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FlexManiaFM.org - New domain!


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FlexManiaFM.org - New domain!

FlexManiaFM.org - New domain!

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    Donators List - Update


    Number of posts : 229
    Age : 33
    Location : United Kingdom
    Warning Level. :
    Donators List - Update Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Donators List - Update Right_bar_bleue

    Post Points :
    Donators List - Update Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Donators List - Update Right_bar_bleue

    Credits : 2177
    Registration date : 2008-12-18

    Donators List - Update Empty Donators List - Update

    Post by Jordan Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:10 am

    Donators List
    Have you got any spare rares or credits which you don't want? If so, why not donate
    some to the Openmania Management when you spot them on the hotel? All
    donations are used for official events and competitions, and by
    donating you will even get your Open listed below, how cool!

    Openmania Management Are:


    The following people have donated to Openmania:

    Donators List - Update Getatt10

    A huge thank you to Exotic for donating to Openmania.
    Donators List - Update Sean-c10
    A huge thank you to Sean-Coolio for donating to Openmania.
    Donators List - Update Corbst10
    A huge thank you to Corbsta123 for donating to Openmania.

    Donators List - Update Icedge10

    A huge thank you to IcedGems for donating to Openmania.
    Donators List - Update Bekkah10

    A huge thank you to Bekkah. for donating to Openmania.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:54 am